When you first begin investigating TRT, you may become overwhelmed by the sheer quantity of figures, possibilities, arguments, pros and downsides, studies, and so on. It’s a vast subject. Furthermore, it is a $1,8 Billion industry, thus marketing methods play a role here as well.
None of these are reasons to begin TRT, but they are all reasons to get your Testosterone levels evaluated. Simple stuff, but it’s frequently misconstrued in order to persuade more people to try TRT. Consider the amount of private clinics that provide it.
We’ve got your back.
What is Testosterone
First and foremost, some fundamentals. The principal male sex hormone generated in your balls is testosterone. Essentially, it is what distinguishes you as a guy. Testosterone is in charge of many areas of your life, from muscular mass and face shape to sex desire, mood, and anger.
Testosterone is known in the bodybuilding world as one of the most important muscle-building hormones. Testosterone is a steroid hormone, which means that it is manufactured elsewhere in your body (in this case, your testes) and then transported to target tissues for use. The body converts testosterone into estrogen, the second most important female sex hormone in charge of many areas of a woman’s life, from bone density and mood to sexual desire. Testosterone is also a major player in many men’s health and well-being, including their libido and muscle mass.
What is Testosterone Replacement Therapy
TRT is an abbreviation for Testosterone Replacement Therapy. It’s a treatment that dates back to the 1930s, when scientists invented synthetic Testosterone. It is part of a bigger therapeutic category known as HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy).
Certain hormone deficiencies can result in health hazards, different shaky situations, and a general deterioration in quality of life. If your body decides to reduce or cease producing a specific hormone naturally (endogenous production), you can replace the void using external medicine. It’s an FDA and Health Canada-approved product that your doctor can prescribe. It’s also well-researched.
Reasons to Start TRT
If you’re considering TRT, you’re presumably thinking about it for a reason. The good news is that you aren’t alone. The most prevalent reason for men to use TRT is hypogonadism, which affects around 30% of ALL males globally, aged 40 to 79. And that is only the most common reason.
Hypogonadism and Low Testosterone
Hypogonadism is the term used to describe your body’s inability to create adequate Testosterone. It can be inherited; it can develop over time; it can be induced by anabolic steroid addiction; it can be provoked by mental disorders, an unhealthy lifestyle, or even stress.
Do You Have Hypogonadism?
Here’s how to check for hypogonadism without going to the doctor:
- Do you ever feel gloomy for no apparent reason?
- Do you have erection problems?
- Do you believe your sex desire has waned or maybe vanished?
If all three answers are a depressing “Yes,” consider the following caution flags:
- Do you sleep poorly?
- Do you have exhaustion throughout the day and insomnia at night?
- Do you have issues with your body hair, such as being unable to develop a beard?
- Do you know, medically, that you have fertility troubles and a low sperm count?
- Do you believe that working out produces no growth or results?
- Have your bones weakened?
- Did your nipples become overly sensitive and maybe develop into moobs (called male tits, aka gynecomastia)?
Hypogonadism can cause all of these issues. None of them are a guarantee, but if you get more than a couple, it could be a clue that you require TRT.
Before self-prescribing anything based on a dozen questions from an Internet article, please seek a proper medical examination and blood testing.

Age to start Testosterone Replacement Therapy
The short answer: no age requires anything like mandatory TRT. Though at your 40s, you’re more likely to feel the symptoms of low Testosterone, and therefore – considering TRT.
Long answer: Your testosterone level is closely linked to your age. 35-44 is the range when it starts to decline rapidly. Here’s a graph:
So, does it mean that you can’t get TRT in your 20s? Of course, you can – if your Testosterone is seriously lower than normal.
Other reasons for TRT
You can’t say things like, “Oh, I have depression and social anxiety, I need TRT,” or “Man, my sex life has been a nightmare for the last few months, I need TRT.”
There is just one reason to begin Testosterone Replacement Therapy: low testosterone levels.
There are numerous articles on the Internet that provide lists like this:
- Depression;
- a lack of libido;
- Loss of Muscle Mass;
- Balding;
- Erection problems;
- decreased bone mass;
- Body fat percentage rises…
And so forth. Those articles are written with one goal in mind: they want your clicks and your appointment with the clinic that supplies the content.
- You may have low libido because SOMEONE you married years ago gained weight and screams at you excessively.
- You can develop depression as a result of a poor work-life balance.
- Osteoporosis can induce bone density loss.
- You can become bald since you are genetically predisposed to do so, and all men in your bloodline were bald by their forties.
- Your muscle mass may diminish as a result of your daily activities, which include strolling from bed to the kitchen, your car, your office chair, and back, with little exercise and 90% sitting on your buttocks.
Benefits of Testosterone Replacement Therapy
The most evident advantage is that it helps with low testosterone levels. Here’s what it implies in practice:
Sex Drive Boost
The effects of low Testosterone on libido have been demonstrated numerous times in research such as this one published in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism. It’s almost undeniable at this point.
What’s more, TRT has been shown to solve the condition. Here’s a 2019 research that summarizes the findings. Even better, TRT has been shown to help with erectile dysfunction. So, in practice:
- Your erections improve and become easier to maintain;
- It becomes more easier to obtain an erection in the first place;
- Your libido drive and desire for sex returns to normal;
- Your bedroom performance improves, and you may endure longer (a bit, but still).
If you’re between the ages of 25 and 30, you could underestimate how important these benefits are for 40-50-year-old men. Especially if they’ve spent their entire life cycling AAS with no adequate PCT or ancillaries.
Mood and Self-esteem
Now I know I’m being used That’s ok, man, ’cause I like the abuse I know she’s playing with me That’s ok ’cause I got no self-esteem — The Offspring Lyrics
The Offspring were definitely up to something. Fortunately, the guy in the song didn’t know shit about TRT; else, he wouldn’t be having problems like that.
Testosterone has been shown to increase self-confidence, but don’t expect it to turn your introverted a$$ into a total Chad-like walking magnet for females.
There is no association between increasing Test levels and frequency of sexual intercourse, according to the same study.
Keep your expectations in check – that’s what you’ll get:
- Reduced social anxiety;
- Small talk can be easy to start.
- When responding to hostility, it is simpler to suppress fear and anxiety.
- You are more certain of your accomplishments and decisions.
- It is simpler to make a decision and stick to it.
Just don’t overdo it – it’s not a healthy thing, and it can lead to depression due to false expectations about your performance. Another study found a correlation between it and testosterone levels.
Better Performance in the Gym and Less Fat
Isn’t that the whole goal of steroid use? TRT, on the other hand, acts in the same way, albeit with one major difference:
TRT dosages of Testosterone rarely surpass 200mg, and the “cycle” can last months, if not years. Bodybuilding doses of Testosterone can range from 300 to 700, and 1-1,5g of Testosterone EW in short cycles; TRT doses of Testosterone rarely exceed 200mg, and the “cycle” can last months, if not years.
You may find our Testosterone in Enanthate Ester instructions here. There are links to all of the proofs and data. The performance benefits of TRT are exactly the same – just somewhat less pronounced:
- Muscle development;
- Increased strength;
- Increased endurance;
- Improved pumping impact;
- Fat tissue shrinks.
Fat is another important factor: the more Testosterone you have, the slower your fat tissue grows.
The subsequent fall in Estrogen reduces your chances of developing “feminine” fat tissue location, such as on your tummy, breasts, and hips.
Here’s a study that demonstrates a direct link between testosterone levels and fat distribution.
These are the main advantages of TRT. It is continuously being explored, so perhaps in the future, we will see additional topics added to the list, such as COPD (pulmonary illness treatment).
Official or Self-Prescribed TRT?
Even while it is legal in most nations, the process itself is sometimes… well, not what you truly need. The following are some of the reasons why people prefer to self-prescribe TRT:
- The black market testosterone is less expensive than the FDA-approved TRT gel ingredients.
- Depending on where you live, obtaining all of the paperwork required to begin official TRT might be quite costly.
- Even a routine visit to the doctor can be costly for some people due to differences in income, insurance, and so on.
- Official TRT may be insufficient for your objectives.
- Some doctors may reject to prescribe TRT due to age, analysis results, limits, legal issues, and other factors. Nowadays, medicine involves 50% paperwork, and some people refuse to deal with it.
Money, bureaucracy, and legalities. The three pillars of the method “Fuck it, I’ll prescribe it myself.”
It is important to remember that there is no practical difference between TRT prescribed by oneself and TRT recommended by a doctor. Here’s a study that reveals how insignificant the differences are.
Before you choose the latter, learn more about the compounds you may require.
Also, don’t start hating on medical institutions (it’s never a good idea). Health Canada occasionally issues nice-wrapped warnings about harmful pseudo-TRT substances. Some are really poison, while others are simply anabolic steroids disguised as something else.
If your objective is a simple TRT, most AAS will be overkill.
Best TRT Compounds
The simplest answer would be “Anything with Testosterone, duh,” but that isn’t entirely correct. TRT chemicals now come in four varieties:
- Pills;
- Pellets;
- Patches and gels;
- Compounds that are injectable.
These four varieties are the most often used nowadays. The number of compounds you can utilize is enormous, owing mostly to the fact that compound names differ from country to country. Here are some of the most popular:
- AndroGel;
- Action;
- Fortesta;
- Testim;
- Vogelxo;
- Bio-T-Gel;
- Testosterone Enanthate;
- Testosterone Cypionate;
- Testosterone Undecanoate.
Given that you just need to choose one, it appears to be a lot of compounds, right? We’ll do our best to assist you. First, let’s talk about the compound’s kind.
Instead of pills (which are generally disliked and are more than moderately damaging to the liver), there are only two ways to administer the compound: intramuscular (injection) or transdermal (through the skin, gels, and patches). Here’s which one, in our opinion, is more trustworthy (and why).
Testosterone Replacement Therapy Dosage
The simple answer is: 100-200mg/week, with 125-150mg being the sweet spot for the majority of people.
Long answer: It depends entirely on the chemical. The most usual dosing and regimen for Testosterone Enanthate/Cypionate injections would be 50-100mg twice a week. I’m not going to go into detail about this because it truly depends on the compound you choose.
Besides, there are many different points of view, and it’s a very personal matter.
Some guys prefer 200mg injections once a week, while others want to divide it up, and still others are OK with one large 600-700mg long ester injection once a month (yes, it’s sometimes given).

Testosterone Replacement Therapy Side Effects
I hope you weren’t hoping for a free ride! TRT, like any other hormone replacement therapy, has certain potential negative effects. Because MOST men do not experience these adverse effects, the word CAN should be highlighted twice. Anecdotally, at least. However, those negative aspects remain a danger. The list is as follows:
- Oily skin;
- Acne;
- Headaches;
- Elevated Blood Pressure;
- Chest pain;
- Nosebleeds;
- Messed up liver values;
- Sleep issues (insomnia or sleepiness during the day).
The likelihood of experiencing any of them is entirely dependent on you. You can receive the entire set or just a pleasant ride without any negative effects. It is determined by your own statistics and health.
TRT Risks
It would be unjust not to issue some cautions. TRT is not something that every male has had to deal with throughout history. It’s a novel experience for many of us. As a result, you should approach it with a thorough understanding of all the risks.
Major Risk 1: TRT For Life
That is the most important. If you get on the TRT train when you’re 45, you’re probably going to be on it for the rest of your life. Yes, pinning or applying the gel daily or several times a week till you simply die. Brutal, cruel, but truthful. Stop doing it; you’ll wind up worse off than you were before the TRT.
If you’re wondering how men can even consider it, consider this: if you don’t get TRT for life, you’ll have low Testosterone for life.
It’s not a choice between “benefit of injections” and “regular living.” It’s a decision between “feeling like a total shit due of naturally dropping testosterone levels” and “injecting it to at least slightly improve the situation.”
Testosterone insufficiency has an impact on more than just your physical health. It has been established that mental health suffers as well. Some sportsmen don’t even have to make the decision; years of overdosing and misusing anabolic steroids lead to lifelong TRT… at 30 or younger. That’s a bad scenario, yet it’s the only option for some people to go about their daily lives.
Major Risk 2: TRT Injections
Let’s be honest: you’re probably not a doctor, and you probably don’t know anything about intramuscular injections. If you do, that’s fantastic, but I’m sure the majority of men didn’t have the opportunity to learn how to do them right. Injections pose numerous dangers as a process:
- Infection at the place of injection;
- You’re fucked if you hit a vein or an artery;
- If you don’t replace the injection site frequently, you may have soreness, pain, and irritation.
The good news is that it is not the most difficult talent to master. Here is a step-by-step procedure for administering an intramuscular injection. If you don’t like it in the text, you can watch it on YouTube. There are dozens of intramuscular injection manuals available from reputable medical institutions.
To feel more confident and not worry about illnesses with every unexpected feeling, clean everything TWICE. If you don’t want to do it intramuscularly, you can do it subcutaneously, which means in the thin fat layer beneath your skin. Even while SOME Testosterone producers claim that their compounds are “intramuscular exclusively,” we know from anecdotal evidence that this is not the case. Sub-q injections are equally effective.
Testosterone Replacement Therapy Online
There are a lot of information regarding Testosterone Replacement Therapy online, including this one. However, it is important to take every single one of them with a grain of salt. Not all the information available on the internet are reliable, or true. The best way to find reliable information about TRT online is to make sure that the website you are reading the information from is reputable. The best source for reliable Testosterone Replacement Therapy information can be found on the websites of reputable doctors who have been in the medical field for many years.
Is Testosterone Replacement Therapy covered by Insurance?
Testosterone replacement therapy is a prescription that is covered by insurance in some cases. The type of coverage will depend on the type of plan you have, the company that provides your insurance and the specific benefits package you are enrolled in.
The first step to finding out if testosterone replacement therapy is covered by your insurance policy is to contact your employer’s human resources department or health care provider and ask them what types of treatments are covered under your plan.
If testosterone replacement therapy is not covered, then you will need to contact your insurance provider to see if they offer any alternative treatments. Then , you will need to make a decision on whether or not it is worth paying out of pocket for the treatment.

Testosterone Replacement Therapy Cost
The cost of testosterone replacement therapy varies depending on the type of treatment you need, how much you use, and how often you need it. The amount of money a TRT will cost can vary depending on several factors. First is your location. Each country has its own currency, meaning the cost of TRT will vary in each country. Second, the cost will vary depending on the type of treatment you need. Third, the cost of TRT varies based on how much you use and how often you will need it. The cost may be as low as $20 each month or as high as tens of thousands per year.
Personal Opinion on Testosterone Replacement Therapy
To summarize, it is a therapy, not a pleasant thing you can jump on and off in a month or two. Only after 6-12 months will you get noticeable results from real TRT. It can be harmful, stay with you for the rest of your life, and cause negative side effects, yet it is without a doubt one of the best medical advances of all time.
Yes, it’s from the 1930s, but TRT has never been more accessible than it is now, with private clinics, all of the research, the quantity of information available for free on the Internet, and dozens of compounds on the market.
TRT is a life-saving treatment for many men. You have the potential to be one of them. Just make sure you can’t save your life any other way, that you don’t have any TRT no-gos with your health, and, most importantly, that you’re ready for it.
I’ve been on Testosterone Replacement Therapy for a year. My Testosteronewere about 216. And 650 at the moment. Age-wise, I’m 54. Actually, I feel younger. I’ve noticed increased muscle mass, a sharper mind, and improved reasoning. People around me appreciate how much calmer and less agitated I’ve become as a result of it.
I suffered from Hypogonadism and Low Testosterone. So started TRT two years ago. It’s simply incredible. Taking both HCG and anastrozole. 60 years old, three times every week, resistance exercise. 20/4 intermittent fasting. 9.3% of body fat. I feel my age. I won’t ever cease utilizing it.
I’ve used TRT compounds such as Testosterone Enanthate for around three years. Recovery has been a benefit for me in the gym. I can work out a little harder and then repeat the exercise in a matter of days or two.
Self-Prescribed TRT offers you a huge edge because I can basically train my ass off and recover nearly instantaneously. I’m on Testosterone Cypionate, and it’s revolutionized my life. My test was 170, and I felt and looked terrible. Now that I’m 30, I’m simply pleased I figured out what the problem was and started treating it.
Controlling and regulating your testosterone levels is undoubtedly a huge advantage. Most people’s test levels will fluctuate, but if you’re using Testosterone Undecanoate and taking multiple doses per week, you will definitely have a significant edge because your levels won’t change.
After a year on TRT, I can confidently affirm that it does. The benefits of Testosterone Replacement Therapy will increase if you recover in less than a day. Further to your blood pressure and hematocrit. On Testosterone Replacement Therapy dosage of 200 mg of test a week, I put on 35 pounds in a year.
I’ve tried other Testosterone Replacement Therapy Online before and I always wanted more. It never seemed to be enough, but Testosterone Enanthate is a whole different story. I can’t get enough of it, and the best part is that it’s so much cheaper than anything else in the market!
After having a conversation with a friend about my athletic ambitions, I realized that I would need to consider the effects of my age on my performance seriously. It’s true that Testosterone Replacement Therapy is an excellent way to replenish your body’s natural levels. After seeing the incredible results many of my friends have had with it, it was clear that there was no question about what I did needed to do. Testosterone Replacement Therapy cost has been worth every penny.
I am a former professional bodybuilder. I have done extensive research on Testosterone Replacement Therapy and I’ve determined that it’s the best for serious athletes and people looking to build muscle. There are many things that you have to consider when thinking about taking TRT, but if you do your homework and follow the appropriate protocol, then this will be the best decision you made in your life!
Testosterone Enanthate is great for TRT Compounds. I’ve seen my strength increase and the pounds just melt away. I’ve been using it for the past six months and could not be happier with the results.